Chinese football

Chinese football today: honesty and science

We must be honest and scientific in everything we do. Chinese football is very honest and the results are also very scientific.

One of the most profound impressions of 2021 is the words EDGNB written in red lipstick on the white hills. Even if I don’t pay attention to e-sports at all, these news will be pushed to me, because the people who pay attention to and participate in it are too white and too big. Oh no, there are too many.

There are a huge number of enthusiasts, a huge number of participants, a relatively large number of professional trainers, and a relatively large number of total resources.

The result is very scientific: regardless of the outcome of individual matches, overall, my country’s e-sports level is world-class.

Let’s change the track. In all broad engineering fields, whether it is building dams in Africa, building ships on Changxing Island, making wheels in large factories, firing every Monday at CNSA, or skipping stones on the water and going on cruises… they are all world-class. Among the nearly 200 countries in the world, they are at least in the top five, and some are second to none.

Chinese football
Chinese football

This situation is also very scientific: the number of new participants every year is tens of millions; the college entrance examination papers and college training are repeated, producing millions of engineers; among them, the top ones are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands; the top ones are thousands, and the number of new ones is increasing every year…


Therefore, I have always been very confident about the development prospects of military, chips, aviation, aerospace and the like. It is just a matter of time. Even if we only look at today, we are a developing country with a per capita GDP outside the top 50 in the world, but we are already world-class in these fields.

There are many similar examples, and they basically apply to all fields.

For example, it seems that it is only a matter of time before my country’s animation industry surpasses Japan. There are also various global gaming industries that will only grow bigger and bigger. However, the stand-alone 3A game industry is not optimistic at the moment. The logic behind them is consistent and unified.

These things are not mysterious at all, they are honest and scientific. Those who use them to talk about nationality, cultural genes, systems, and even race are neither honest nor scientific, one by one, they are all (). As if there is any big difference between Vietnam and your country in these areas.

(An aside: If you insist on saying that there are some so-called national cultural bad roots that conflict with sports competitions, in my opinion, it is the kind of national cultural bad roots that people expand and extend as soon as there is something wrong, and instantly put on an attitude of wearing an oily long gown, with their hands behind their backs, and talking about national cultural bad roots, and gaining a sense of lofty wisdom through empty criticism.)

The scientific formula is quite simple and straightforward, so straightforward that it can be called nonsense:

Total number of people participating in the screening* Quality of the screening and training system* Total resources ( *Ethnicity and genetic talent)

How to explain women’s football?

China Women's World Cup 2023 squad file photo
China Women’s World Cup 2023 squad file photo

Many people may not like what I am going to say next, but it is still scientific and honest:

China’s women’s football team has very few participants and very few total resources. It is supported by the traditional system of selection and training, and the quality of this selection and training system is also relatively high under the logic of comparing the worst. The fact behind this is that compared with most countries in the world, my country is a top student in terms of gender equality and equal rights. As countries around the world pay more attention to women’s football, my country’s women’s football team, not to mention facing strong teams in Europe, America and South America, is likely to be beaten by big scores in minutes. In the future, in Asia, its status may gradually become that of men’s football.

It is no joke to say that one of the main reasons why my country’s women’s football team can maintain its current status in Asia is that there are a large number of Muslim countries in Asia.

I just mentioned the “sports team system”, or in your words, the “national system”, and I would like to elaborate on this.

First of all, a little bit of general knowledge: my country’s strongest national football teams, starting from Jia Xiuquan’s generation, up to Fan Zhiyi’s generation, or at the latest to Yang Chen and Zheng Zhi’s generation, were basically trained by the “sports teams” or the so-called “national system.”

In this regard, we can also study Britain’s Olympic plan before the London Olympics – it was a genuine “national system”.

World’s top sports

To this day, China still maintains the same talent training model in the world’s top sports, including national ball, badminton, weightlifting, diving, etc. The reason why China has been able to maintain its advantage for a long time is that it has advantages in terms of the total number of participants in the screening, the quality of the screening and training system, and relative resources. The advantages are so great that Axelsen and Ishikawa Kasumi are both fluent in Chinese. On this basis, plus some ethnic genetic advantages similar to those in the field of weightlifting, the results are bound to be honest and scientific.

What is the national system? The entire college entrance examination system and higher education system mentioned above are the national system. In fact, the high-quality talent selection and training system of all reliable countries in the world must be the national system.

In the past, the national system ensured the selection of relatively high talents in the men’s football team under the condition of limited total number of candidates, and ensured the rigor and hard work of training under the condition of low scientific training level, which ensured that although the upper limit was not high, it was at least not bad. Today, taking weightlifting as an example, the national system ensures the selection of relatively high talents in the case of limited total number of candidates, and at the same time, at the national team level, the scientific training methods, related instruments and equipment, and corresponding sports science analysis are basically the best in the world.

American sports

I haven’t talked much about American sports above. The reason I didn’t expand on it is that I’m afraid the article will be too long. Here is just a brief summary: American sports have their own particularities, but the essential logic is the same. In the field of professional sports, unlike our capital bureau’s internal involution and self-entertainment. They have long reached the ultimate state of complete marketization and free competition. A little bit of inefficient screening, training and training will make you suffer losses in economic interests.

In the field of non-professional sports, based on massive resources. The research level of sports science, the scale and level of professional coaches. The maintenance of the career compensation mechanism of professional athletes in schools and society. Countless large, medium and small “modern sports teams” have been establish around schools, forming a huge “national system” together – very similar to our college entrance examination system.

Finally, let’s apply the above formula to men’s Chinese football. A field with a huge number of participants, a mature and advanced screening and training system. Massive total resources and attention around the world.

1. Number of people involved in the screening: This is clear, and quite simple and direct – similar to women’s football, there are simply not many young people playing Chinese football in our country today.

2. Screening and training system: Looking back today, the decline of my country’s men’s football team stems from marketization and capitalization, and from the premature and rapid abandonment of the national system.

Past sports

In terms of training, the past sports team model was abandoned. The training volume, willpower and lifestyle of professional players lost their constraints. At the same time, there was no real connection with the modern professional club training system. But they were directly wasted. The massive attention mentioned in 3 was quickly transform into a huge attention-to-money business situation because of the rapid marketization and capitalization. Reflected in the selection, starting from the smallest echelon, various micro-corruptions continued. Until the highest level, the corruption of Yan Shiduo to Xie Yalong was pervasive. The reason is also very straightforward: because of marketization and capitalization, the economic benefits are huge. Later, Chinese football became a grand task, and management entered the “bureaucratic system of laymen”, not to mention.

3. Total resources and attention: Too much, so much that it has a significant negative effect when the selection and training system is poor. Just look at 2 and 3 together.

The result is that the current situation in men’s Chinese football is very honest, very scientific and has no surprises.

Those who blame the coach and tactics don’t know whether they don’t watch the game. Or they really don’t understand the game. The poor performance of these 11 players on the field today was not because of the poor coach or poor tactics. But simply because, in the words of General Fan, their level was really not good enough:

Among the vast number of young people in the country. Only a very small group are playing Chinese football – the scale of selection is not enough.

During the selection process, there is no guarantee that only the most talented individuals will advance. The selection system is not good.

Coaching talents

During the training process, the decline of Chinese football has formed a vicious circle. That is, the number and level of coaching talents in China have also widened the gap with other countries.

As for the athletes, after being expose to all kinds of shit in the selection process since childhood. They have long been rich in the honeypot of the internal commercial capital bureau of the shoddy professional league.

The 11 players on the field are indeed the best 11 players among the 1.4 billion people in the country. But this statement is meaningless, because these 11 players were not selected from the 1.4 billion people. The selection process was not at all about selecting the best, and the training process was not professional enough. As for the people themselves, they were spoiled before they established the basic qualities of the profession.

The results are honest, scientific, and unsurprising, and we’re just getting started.

How to solve it?

For me personally, it doesn’t really matter, after all, it’s just a sports event. In the grand narrative, the importance of this matter is not even ranked.

If you really want a solution, it’s easy, just apply the formula. In simple terms:

The number of people involved in the screening has skyrocketed, and capitalization and marketization have been eliminated. Attention and market resources have been withdrawn to ensure the fairness of the talent selection process. At the high-level stage, coaches and training systems are either brought in or exported. A large number of people entering the European echelons are eliminate and screen. The local system is all assisted and relearned.

How to increase the number of people participating in the selection? In fact, the answers to the questions “Why are there so many people participating in the college entrance examination competition” and “Why have many American elites served in the military” are consistent: statistically speaking, any large-scale behavior is either derived from passion or from secular rewards. Participating in professional Chinese football training can add points to the college entrance examination. Achieving a high level of professional competition can help you enter the system. The base number of participants will increase.

But is this necessary in our country today?

It is neither necessary nor realistic from the perspective of culture and values.

So my personal attitude towards today’s men’s football remains:

There is really no hope for this in the short term, I advise you not to care. If you really want to care, the best way to care is to not care.

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