Best stretches for football players

let’s know Best stretches for football players

How to stretch yourself correctly. In this article we are going to explain about streches, let’s know Best stretches for football players.

Rules for safe stretching

Best stretches for football players
Best stretches for football players

As we all know, many activities have rules and guidelines to ensure safety, and stretching is no exception. Stretching can be dangerous and harmful if done incorrectly. In order to maximize the benefits of stretching, follow these guidelines .

1. There is no such thing as good or bad stretching: 

Stretching activities themselves are neither good nor bad. It is the form and object of stretching activities that determine whether they are effective, safe or harmless. It is foolish to classify a specific stretching activity as good or bad.

2. Stretching before stretching: 

Warming up before stretching has many benefits and can prepare the body for more intense exercise; increasing muscle temperature can make muscles more relaxed, soft and elastic.

3. Stretch before and after exercise: 

The purposes of stretching after exercise and before exercise are different. Stretching before exercise is mainly to prevent injuries , while the primary purpose of stretching after exercise is to promote the repair of muscles and tendons , relieve muscle stiffness and delayed muscle soreness caused by high-intensity exercise.

4. Stretch each major muscle group and its antagonistic muscle group: 

Each muscle in the body has an opposing muscle to balance it. The two muscles antagonize each other to maintain balance . If one of the muscles is stronger or more flexible, an imbalance can easily occur, leading to physical injury or posture problems.

Best stretches for football players
Best stretches for football players

5. Gentle and slow stretching: 

It can promote muscle relaxation for better stretching effect and help avoid muscle tears and strains caused by fast and violent exercise .

6. Stretch until you feel tension: 

Stretching is not meant to cause pain to the body , but to make the body feel comfortable. When muscles are stretched and painful, the body will resist stretching through the stretch reflex to cause muscle contraction to protect and prevent the muscles and tendons from being overstretched. So never stretch until you feel pain, just stretch until the muscles feel tense.

How to stretch properly

1. Breathe steadily while stretching: it can increase the depth of breathing, promote muscle relaxation, speed up blood circulation , and deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles .

2. The number and duration of stretching: The duration of stretching should be determined by the athletic level of the person being stretched. For beginners , each stretching action should last no less than 20 seconds ; for those with a higher athletic level, each stretching action should last at least 30 seconds and gradually extend to 60 seconds or more . Beginners can stretch each muscle 2 to 3 times ; for those with a higher athletic level , each muscle can be stretched 3 to 5 times.

Best stretches for football players
Best stretches for football players

Next, we will bring you a full body muscle active stretching chart :

The viewpoints in this article come from the anatomy of sports injuries . Friends who like stretching are recommended to read the book ” Precision Stretching “. The above is today’s fitness knowledge sharing. If you like it, you can forward it and pay attention .

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