Teach you how to properly clean your sports gloves

In the goalkeeper’s mind, sports gloves may be more important than the shoes on your feet. It is very necessary to clean the gloves after the game. But many people use the wrong method to wash gloves. It is easy to damage the latex, causing the gloves to be retired early. Some friends use the wrong drying method. This causes the gloves to become smelly and yellow. Today I will introduce the correct way to wash sports gloves to everyone.

sports gloves
sports gloves

The importance of latex

There are two parts to latex: thickness and viscosity. First of all, thickness is the most direct effect of latex on goalkeepers. Thicker latex can alleviate the impact of the ball, and goalkeepers are less likely to hurt their fingers when catching the ball.

The second is stickiness. For goalkeepers, latex is the part that directly contacts the ball, and whether it is a save or a throw, it needs a certain stickiness. Some friends who have bought random brand gloves may find that these gloves only have a protective effect, but the stickiness is not enough and they can’t catch the ball. This is a problem caused by the poor quality of latex.

Therefore, when washing gloves, be sure not to damage the latex. Therefore, we recommend not to use soap or detergent to wash the gloves. Try not to use professional cleaning services, unless the detergent is included with the more expensive gloves.

Washing frequency

Regarding whether gloves should be washed frequently, I think it is necessary, not only because gloves tend to stink after use, although many people only have one impression of gloves – stink, but also because sweat stains and other stains attached to the palm latex of gloves will cause latex oxidation and affect the stickiness of gloves. As a goalkeeper, it is necessary to take care of your gloves.

Washing method (only clean water is recommended)

1. Initial cleaning

First prepare a bucket of water:

Put the gloves on your hands and immerse them in water:

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Let water soak into the gloves, clench your fists to squeeze out the sweat.

Be careful not to rub and repeat making your fist several times.

The key is to change the water several times during cleaning to ensure that the detergent that has penetrated into the latex is discharged.

Then squeeze as much water as possible out of it by pressing palm to palm.

2. Glove surface cleaning

Take off your gloves and soak them in water.

Clean the surface stains:

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During the cleaning process, just rub the latex gently.

It is recommended to use only hands for cleaning, and any tools such as brushes are not advisable.

After cleaning, squeeze out the water in the gloves.

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3. Air Dry

Wrap it with a dry towel and soak up the water again:

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After squeezing it dry, place it flat with your palm facing down in a ventilated and cool place. (Be careful not to expose it to direct sunlight)

The reason why we emphasize laying it flat is because the latex on the fingertips will easily oxidize if it is hung .

Finally, let’s talk about how to store gloves.

It is recommended to put it in a sealed bag when not in use.

That can prevent latex from oxidation and maintain the performance of latex.

It is also beneficial to your performance.

If your gloves are really dirty,

Can be cleaned with professional detergent.

Many people think that it is just a pair of gloves, why should it be so delicate and tedious. In fact, details often determine success or failure. Maintaining the best performance of latex will also help you to perform well and extend the service life of gloves. The effect of good or bad use and proper preservation is really different.

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